Huis van het boek likes to open its doors to everyone. We need you as book friends for that. Together we can commit ourselves even more to the management and preservation of the collection, new acquisitions for the collection or the creation of exhibitions and educational programs.


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Donations and bequests

Individuals seeking a meaningful destination for their financial resources, special books or other items from their collection can support the museum with a donation, bequest or a designated fund. For more information, please see Donations and bequests.

Tax purposes

For tax purposes, Huis van het boek (before Museum Meermanno) has ‘ANBI’ (Public-benefit institution) status and is also recognized by the Dutch tax authorities as a Cultural institution. Under the Donation law, which has been in force since 1 January 2012, a contribution to the museum can provide donors with a considerable tax deduction.

We like to encourage you to support the museum in a manner which is best-suited for you. We can assure you that your contribution will be most gratefully received. The account number for the Museum Meermanno in The Hague is: NL62INGB0000611459. For specific questions or advice concerning donations and bequests, please contact Sandra Bechtholt, Director, 070-3462700 or